Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm fine!

Wednesday 2nd Jan

First of all I'm fine!
The fire was at the Royal Marsden in London and the one I go to is in Sutton!

As it happens I wasn't there this afternoon anyway as my blood counts were a little low so they didn't give me chemotherapy today I have to go back next week. They told me that the counts are only a little low and I'm so ridiculously healthy that they wouldn't have had any hesitation in giving me the treatment but the Clinical Trial protocol is quite strict so they had to postpone for a week.

I was a bit depressed about it then I got home and heard about the fire at the London Marsden and I realised how childish it was to let such a minor setback get to me.

Anyway, we are home safe and I get another weeks holiday from the drugs.


Perry said...

Jill:) So pleased that you are OK and reasonably good with it, (well speaking of your health I don't know about the other aspects;)
We had been worried I first heard about it on a traffic report!
Sounds as though Christmas and New Year were pretty good value too. Love to Harry, so pleased he's home again

Hazel said...

So pleased to hear you weren't affected by the fire -- I saw the headline on the news stand at St Pancras which simply said "cancer hospital fire" and worried until I saw your post!