Wed 6th to Wed 13th August
Mostly I’ve spent the last week sitting around coping with various side effects. I’ve been knitting like a thing demented, Here is the extra bright jumper I made and I’ll take a picture of the scarf I just finished soon I promise.
Monday 11th was our wedding anniversary but we don’t usually do anything to celebrate unless it’s a big one (next year is our 25th so watch this space).
We did intend to go away for a few days this week but the weather has been so rotten it wasn’t worth it.
Tuesday 5th August
Chemo day, I had my chemo okay and my friend Gaye came to the hospital at lunchtime so I had a couple of hours with her and Phil while I waited for the drugs to be ready. The numbness and tingling in my hands is getting increasingly problematic so I discussed this with my doc; one option is to drop the Oxaliplatin which causes this side effect (it can take up to 18 months to improve and I was warned that it will get worse before it gets better). We agreed to wait until I have my next scan results (around the 21st Aug) and also to check that I can stay on the trial if I drop this drug before we make a decision.
Mon 4th August
We rested up so that we wouldn’t be too shattered on Tuesday.
Sun 3rd August
On the way home we stopped off at an unfinished castle called Lyvdon, it was very attractive as you can see from the photos below although I don’t do justice to the place. While we were there we had a makeshift picnic from ingredients we had bought at a local supermarket, we sat by the moat/pond making sandwiches when all of a sudden we were mugged!!! Yes mugged by a quintet of adorable ducks, they were quite small and pure white with bright yellow beaks; very much ‘Jemima Puddleduck’, they weren’t aggressive at all but quite prepared to sneak up behind you and snatch a slice of bread right out of your hand.
I don’t normally feed bread to birds because it’s not good for them especially in the summer but we didn’t have much choice with those little vandals (is was a very seedy brown bread so I don’t expect it will have harmed them).
Here is Lyvden
And a picture of the inside
Sat 2nd August
We started back down south but stopped off to spend a couple of hours with my sister Kay who lives near Stockport. She’s been in the wars recently and although she made it to the party she was very tired afterwards, we had originally intended to stay with her overnight but realised that it would mean too much intensive driving for Phil when he still had to take me to the hospital on Tuesday so after we left her we travelled down to Nuneaton where our booking was okay this time.
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