Still feeling very delicate from yesterday but we did manage a bit of a walk. I wasn’t expecting to get my scan results till Thursday but the doctor phoned to check something and told me that the scan shows that the disease is stable so that’s good news.
Tues 19th August
Had CT scan at the Marsden and also took the opportunity to have my bloods done so that in Thursday when I go in for chemo we won’t have to get up at 6am.
Because I‘m allergic to iodine I can’t have the contrast injection so I have to drink a litre of this foul white stuff. They keep telling me that the stuff causes constipation but for me it sometimes results in massive wind and diarrhoea. This was one of the times which was a pain because we had arranged to go on to visit our friends Gaye and Paul for dinner. We did have to leave earlier than I wanted but the worse of the side effects hit later in the evening/night after we got home.
It was great to see them and the dinner was superb (Gaye is a wonderful cook) I had knitted a shawl for her (my first attempt at a shawl so be kind).
Shawl laid out

Me wearing shawl

Here is also a picture of the pink scarf I recently finished.

Mon 18th August
Quiet day, did a bit of shopping for food but mostly rested up for Tuesday. I was a bit weepy and pathetic cos it’s always a bit scary having a scan.
Sun 17th August
Went to the Gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey to see an American Civil War enactment. It was fantastic and you can see some brilliant pictures on Phil’s Flicr account (a great one of Bodian castle too).
Sat 16th August
Slept in reallt late and then spent a lazy day at home cos the weather wasn’t great.
Fri 15th August
I had an appointment at Queen Mary hospital at Paddington ,(it’s the allergy clinic to find out if I’m really allergic to penicillin) it was a lunchtime appointment so we travelled into London early and spent an hour in HMV spending lots of money on DVDs.
Thur 14th August
Went to Kent to visit Bodian Castle, great fun and then we found this super farm shop, bought loads of stuff and it was all good, especially the kippers which I gobbled up all by myself cos Phil doesn’t like them.
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