- 03:40 Awake - due to some buggers having a party across the road, didn't even invite me! I shall ask infobunny to make them suffer. #
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tweets for Today
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 23:53 Been out at Audley End house wif Phil and our friend Marian. Wonderful fun day. Will steal Phils photos for my blog (villainous laugh) #
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 00:14 Little walk in the woods this afternoon and then knitting like a demon to make up for lost time - Woo Hoo! starting to feel human again #
- 07:13 Up early to put out the bins, life is just soooooo exciting #
- 11:40 Knitting again and going to have my hair cut in a bit, only found out last week that I shouldn't have it coloured while on chemo - Oops! #
- 15:04 Just had my hair cut and I feel so much better, I'm pretty girl now! #
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 13:18 Feeling better today, more like a human being and less like a limp rag - let's see what mischief I can get up to! #
- 13:19 @infobunny here are some jokes www.ahajokes.com/ #
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 00:14 Spent all evening at hospital, bloody PIC line infected again, also couldn't find late night chemist, poor Phil shattered - Bugger #
- 16:09 Even today couldn't get prescription filled in local chemist, they said tomorrow afternoon earliest. From Basildon hosp pharmacy in the end #
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 15:34 Slept well last night but still just had nap - Lazy Jill, hands so sore to knit yet so slightly frustrated #
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 00:10 Bed for us as it's after midnight, hopefully will sleep better tonight as the steroids should have worn off. #
- 03:37 Still can't sleep, not the steroids this time but a party across the road, or something else maybe - bugger #
- 16:22 Sm came over for a visit, we ooo'd over her scrap-booking and she ooo'd over my knitting and Phils photographs so a good time was had by all #
- 16:24 Went out to buy food discovered a shop which has always been in the high street but we only just found it, looks really nice - Yum Yum #
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Twitter - What Tweets are all about
Hi Everyone,
Hazel asked about Tweets and I realised that I should have said before I started posting.
Phil set it up for me so I may need him to help with the explanation.
Anyway there is this program (free) called Twitter, you join up and then can write short (140 characters) little notes at any time of the day, you can follow other users so that you get all their posts and then some people will also choose to follow you.
There a facility to be able to post from your mobile phone as well as your computer.
Here is the URL for Twitter (but you need to apply to Phil for any techie details) http://www.twitter.com
In addition to the Twitter application there is another add-in which allows your Blogger to access Twitter once a day and add all your little posts (each post is called a tweet) I'm hoping that this will mean that I update my blog more often with little snippets instead of leaving it until I have a huge amount to write.
The add-on is called Loudtwitter and you can access it from the bottom of a tweet post (you definitely need to get Phil to help with this application cos I'm totally lost as to how it works or how to set it up)
Hugs to everyone
Hazel asked about Tweets and I realised that I should have said before I started posting.
Phil set it up for me so I may need him to help with the explanation.
Anyway there is this program (free) called Twitter, you join up and then can write short (140 characters) little notes at any time of the day, you can follow other users so that you get all their posts and then some people will also choose to follow you.
There a facility to be able to post from your mobile phone as well as your computer.
Here is the URL for Twitter (but you need to apply to Phil for any techie details) http://www.twitter.com
In addition to the Twitter application there is another add-in which allows your Blogger to access Twitter once a day and add all your little posts (each post is called a tweet) I'm hoping that this will mean that I update my blog more often with little snippets instead of leaving it until I have a huge amount to write.
The add-on is called Loudtwitter and you can access it from the bottom of a tweet post (you definitely need to get Phil to help with this application cos I'm totally lost as to how it works or how to set it up)
Hugs to everyone
Tweets for Today
- 23:58 Bed now; well if can get Phil off the puter #
- 10:00 Off to the hospital for my chemo, keep your fingers crossed for me #
- 19:16 Chemo went okay and finished early for once but the major mayhem on the M25 (2 hours 15 mins to get home) so poor Phil is exhausted #
- 19:17 @librarycj Naps are good things, you should enjoy them! #
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 18:08 @infobunny Hi Infobunny, yes I'm Phil's wife and I've been reading some of your tweets on his puter but now I'll be able to see them on mine #
- 18:11 Knitting like a mad thing, big cuddly shawl for Phil and me to snuggle under on the sofa #
- 18:19 Eating Rossi's ice cream - heaven on a cornet! #
- 19:23 @infobunny Not nonsense but a very interesting and amusing writing style #
- 19:25 @spellen If we lived closer to you I might be tempted to mug you for those tickets; since I can't do that have a great time! #
Latest scan results good!
Wed 20th August
Still feeling very delicate from yesterday but we did manage a bit of a walk. I wasn’t expecting to get my scan results till Thursday but the doctor phoned to check something and told me that the scan shows that the disease is stable so that’s good news.
Tues 19th August
Had CT scan at the Marsden and also took the opportunity to have my bloods done so that in Thursday when I go in for chemo we won’t have to get up at 6am.
Because I‘m allergic to iodine I can’t have the contrast injection so I have to drink a litre of this foul white stuff. They keep telling me that the stuff causes constipation but for me it sometimes results in massive wind and diarrhoea. This was one of the times which was a pain because we had arranged to go on to visit our friends Gaye and Paul for dinner. We did have to leave earlier than I wanted but the worse of the side effects hit later in the evening/night after we got home.
It was great to see them and the dinner was superb (Gaye is a wonderful cook) I had knitted a shawl for her (my first attempt at a shawl so be kind).
Shawl laid out

Me wearing shawl

Here is also a picture of the pink scarf I recently finished.

Mon 18th August
Quiet day, did a bit of shopping for food but mostly rested up for Tuesday. I was a bit weepy and pathetic cos it’s always a bit scary having a scan.
Sun 17th August
Went to the Gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey to see an American Civil War enactment. It was fantastic and you can see some brilliant pictures on Phil’s Flicr account (a great one of Bodian castle too). http://www.flickr.com/photos/philbradley
Sat 16th August
Slept in reallt late and then spent a lazy day at home cos the weather wasn’t great.
Fri 15th August
I had an appointment at Queen Mary hospital at Paddington ,(it’s the allergy clinic to find out if I’m really allergic to penicillin) it was a lunchtime appointment so we travelled into London early and spent an hour in HMV spending lots of money on DVDs.
Thur 14th August
Went to Kent to visit Bodian Castle, great fun and then we found this super farm shop, bought loads of stuff and it was all good, especially the kippers which I gobbled up all by myself cos Phil doesn’t like them.
Still feeling very delicate from yesterday but we did manage a bit of a walk. I wasn’t expecting to get my scan results till Thursday but the doctor phoned to check something and told me that the scan shows that the disease is stable so that’s good news.
Tues 19th August
Had CT scan at the Marsden and also took the opportunity to have my bloods done so that in Thursday when I go in for chemo we won’t have to get up at 6am.
Because I‘m allergic to iodine I can’t have the contrast injection so I have to drink a litre of this foul white stuff. They keep telling me that the stuff causes constipation but for me it sometimes results in massive wind and diarrhoea. This was one of the times which was a pain because we had arranged to go on to visit our friends Gaye and Paul for dinner. We did have to leave earlier than I wanted but the worse of the side effects hit later in the evening/night after we got home.
It was great to see them and the dinner was superb (Gaye is a wonderful cook) I had knitted a shawl for her (my first attempt at a shawl so be kind).
Shawl laid out

Me wearing shawl

Here is also a picture of the pink scarf I recently finished.

Mon 18th August
Quiet day, did a bit of shopping for food but mostly rested up for Tuesday. I was a bit weepy and pathetic cos it’s always a bit scary having a scan.
Sun 17th August
Went to the Gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey to see an American Civil War enactment. It was fantastic and you can see some brilliant pictures on Phil’s Flicr account (a great one of Bodian castle too). http://www.flickr.com/photos/philbradley
Sat 16th August
Slept in reallt late and then spent a lazy day at home cos the weather wasn’t great.
Fri 15th August
I had an appointment at Queen Mary hospital at Paddington ,(it’s the allergy clinic to find out if I’m really allergic to penicillin) it was a lunchtime appointment so we travelled into London early and spent an hour in HMV spending lots of money on DVDs.
Thur 14th August
Went to Kent to visit Bodian Castle, great fun and then we found this super farm shop, bought loads of stuff and it was all good, especially the kippers which I gobbled up all by myself cos Phil doesn’t like them.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My blogs are like London buses
My blogs are like London buses! none for ages than then you get two together. Sorry if they are as irritating as buses too!
Wed 6th to Wed 13th August
Mostly I’ve spent the last week sitting around coping with various side effects. I’ve been knitting like a thing demented, Here is the extra bright jumper I made and I’ll take a picture of the scarf I just finished soon I promise.

Monday 11th was our wedding anniversary but we don’t usually do anything to celebrate unless it’s a big one (next year is our 25th so watch this space).
We did intend to go away for a few days this week but the weather has been so rotten it wasn’t worth it.
Tuesday 5th August
Chemo day, I had my chemo okay and my friend Gaye came to the hospital at lunchtime so I had a couple of hours with her and Phil while I waited for the drugs to be ready. The numbness and tingling in my hands is getting increasingly problematic so I discussed this with my doc; one option is to drop the Oxaliplatin which causes this side effect (it can take up to 18 months to improve and I was warned that it will get worse before it gets better). We agreed to wait until I have my next scan results (around the 21st Aug) and also to check that I can stay on the trial if I drop this drug before we make a decision.
Mon 4th August
We rested up so that we wouldn’t be too shattered on Tuesday.
Sun 3rd August
On the way home we stopped off at an unfinished castle called Lyvdon, it was very attractive as you can see from the photos below although I don’t do justice to the place. While we were there we had a makeshift picnic from ingredients we had bought at a local supermarket, we sat by the moat/pond making sandwiches when all of a sudden we were mugged!!! Yes mugged by a quintet of adorable ducks, they were quite small and pure white with bright yellow beaks; very much ‘Jemima Puddleduck’, they weren’t aggressive at all but quite prepared to sneak up behind you and snatch a slice of bread right out of your hand.
I don’t normally feed bread to birds because it’s not good for them especially in the summer but we didn’t have much choice with those little vandals (is was a very seedy brown bread so I don’t expect it will have harmed them).
Here is Lyvden

And a picture of the inside

Sat 2nd August
We started back down south but stopped off to spend a couple of hours with my sister Kay who lives near Stockport. She’s been in the wars recently and although she made it to the party she was very tired afterwards, we had originally intended to stay with her overnight but realised that it would mean too much intensive driving for Phil when he still had to take me to the hospital on Tuesday so after we left her we travelled down to Nuneaton where our booking was okay this time.
Wed 6th to Wed 13th August
Mostly I’ve spent the last week sitting around coping with various side effects. I’ve been knitting like a thing demented, Here is the extra bright jumper I made and I’ll take a picture of the scarf I just finished soon I promise.
Monday 11th was our wedding anniversary but we don’t usually do anything to celebrate unless it’s a big one (next year is our 25th so watch this space).
We did intend to go away for a few days this week but the weather has been so rotten it wasn’t worth it.
Tuesday 5th August
Chemo day, I had my chemo okay and my friend Gaye came to the hospital at lunchtime so I had a couple of hours with her and Phil while I waited for the drugs to be ready. The numbness and tingling in my hands is getting increasingly problematic so I discussed this with my doc; one option is to drop the Oxaliplatin which causes this side effect (it can take up to 18 months to improve and I was warned that it will get worse before it gets better). We agreed to wait until I have my next scan results (around the 21st Aug) and also to check that I can stay on the trial if I drop this drug before we make a decision.
Mon 4th August
We rested up so that we wouldn’t be too shattered on Tuesday.
Sun 3rd August
On the way home we stopped off at an unfinished castle called Lyvdon, it was very attractive as you can see from the photos below although I don’t do justice to the place. While we were there we had a makeshift picnic from ingredients we had bought at a local supermarket, we sat by the moat/pond making sandwiches when all of a sudden we were mugged!!! Yes mugged by a quintet of adorable ducks, they were quite small and pure white with bright yellow beaks; very much ‘Jemima Puddleduck’, they weren’t aggressive at all but quite prepared to sneak up behind you and snatch a slice of bread right out of your hand.
I don’t normally feed bread to birds because it’s not good for them especially in the summer but we didn’t have much choice with those little vandals (is was a very seedy brown bread so I don’t expect it will have harmed them).
Here is Lyvden
And a picture of the inside
Sat 2nd August
We started back down south but stopped off to spend a couple of hours with my sister Kay who lives near Stockport. She’s been in the wars recently and although she made it to the party she was very tired afterwards, we had originally intended to stay with her overnight but realised that it would mean too much intensive driving for Phil when he still had to take me to the hospital on Tuesday so after we left her we travelled down to Nuneaton where our booking was okay this time.
Holiday and Birthday Party
Friday 1st August
It’s just occurred to me that I didn’t tell you the reason it was so important that I would be well enough to visit my family at this particular time. Well the 1st of August is a very special day for me; for one thing it’s Phil birthday and it’s also the birthday of my oldest niece Helen, this particular birthday was Helen’s 50th and my sister Anne had arranged a family party at Helen’s house to celebrate.
So the first order of the day was to give Phil his presents (books and Cds which I’d smuggled into the car and then wrapped while he was out photographing. He also had the few things he’d bought at the Everton shop and will have a very belated present of a computer program that we are still struggling to get ordered.
Anyway Helen party was good fun and we had the chance to see lots of family we haven’t seen for ages, in fact in the case of Lynn who is my nephew Paul’s partner I hadn’t met her before but I believe she’s a reader so Hi Lynn!
Here are a couple of pictures and you can see the rest if you are interested at my Flick account here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jill_bradley/
Phil and me

Me with my two sisters; Anne Kay and Jill from left to right

My sister Anne with birthday girl Helen

Thursday 31 July
We set out for Liverpool just after lunch and arrived in time to do a little shopping in the Everton shop before we went on to the splendid B&B we were staying at. For those of you who don’t know Phil is a devoted (fanatical) Everton fan; I sometimes joke that he only married my so that he would have somewhere to stay when he went to Liverpool for matches and we did come back early from our honeymoon so that we could go and watch them play in the Charity Shield at Wembley.
Wed 30 July
Visited another NT property; Penrhyn Castle, it’s a modern castle done in the gothic style and was absolutely fantastic. I was feeling better which helped but also the staff were helpful and pleasant which was a great relief after Tuesday. We had tea and cake in the cafĂ© and the Bara Brith they make locally was so good we bought a whole cake to take home with us.
Tues 29th July
Visited Plas Newydd which is National Trust, the visit may have been coloured by the fact I still wasn’t all that well and that had a fete on so were busier than usual but we were very under whelmed. I nearly had my stick/seat taken from me but the woman eventually said she could see I needed it; the house was unbearably hot and about halfway through one of the dragons they have guarding the rooms suddenly barked at me to move my (tiny) backpack/handbag to the front of my body. Nobody else had said anything and I was feeling quite unwell by this time but the way NT structure their buildings you have to follow their route and can’t cut the walking short;. As you might guess Phil barked right back at her but it made us feel very unwelcome .
Sun 27th to Monday 28th July
Didn’t do much as I was still feeling a bit rough from the chemo (this is quite normal), still it was great to see my sister who’s been ill herself and Phil was able to go off with a friend to do some urban exploring/photography.
Sat 26th July
First stop on our family holiday was my sister Anne who lives in Anglesey, we set off latish on the drive because I wasn’t too great in the morning and early afternoon but it shouldn’t have mattered because we had intended to stop off and break our journey halfway. That was the intention and we’d been fairly sensible and booked a motel room on the motorway; however once we arrived it seems that they had double booked and as we were late they had guests in all the rooms.
We tried a whole pile of other places but they we all full as there was some sore of motor racing event on over the weekend; eventually we realised that we were only a couple of hours from Anglesey so phoned Anne and begged a bed for the night. Finally we arrived at our destination just after 11pm shattered but grateful to be able to lay our weary heads down. Poor Phil was worse off than me cos I had slept in the car but he had to drive the whole way. In the end we did the journey in really good time and have learned the lesson that sometimes motorway motels double book on the assumption that some guests don’t turn up so if you are going to be arriving late phone up and check that they will hold the room for you!
Wed 23rd to Fri 25th July
Rested up an Wed and Thursday cos I felt pretty ill but that’s to be expected in the first few days after chemo. Friday I was just well enough to pop over to Dad to drop off the pussy cat as he had offered to cat-sit for us.
Tues 22nd July
Chemo day, all went well which was great cos it meant that I would be able to go and see my family in my good week.
Thurs 17th to Mon 21st July
Lazy day on Thursday but on Friday we had lunch with friends at a super place Sam knew, afterwards we visited a huge deli supermarket I think it’s near Marks Tey but would have to check the exact location. We bought some bits and pieces and intend to go there again cos it had some fantastic stuff.
Afterwards we were still in a shopping mood so motored on down to Lakeside, got a couple of things in Costco then on to our favorite bookshop (Borders at Lakeside). Here we got the most miserable news that the shop was closing in early AugustL, is was a mixed blessing though cos they had all books and CDs at half price we spent £100 pounds and it would have been more if I hadn’t got tried after an hour of so!
Saturday we finally gave in to temptation and in the afternoon went back to ransack the shelves we missed on Friday sending another £100 (Oops).
Had quiet days Sunday and Monday but did manage to get a couple of decent walks in.
It’s just occurred to me that I didn’t tell you the reason it was so important that I would be well enough to visit my family at this particular time. Well the 1st of August is a very special day for me; for one thing it’s Phil birthday and it’s also the birthday of my oldest niece Helen, this particular birthday was Helen’s 50th and my sister Anne had arranged a family party at Helen’s house to celebrate.
So the first order of the day was to give Phil his presents (books and Cds which I’d smuggled into the car and then wrapped while he was out photographing. He also had the few things he’d bought at the Everton shop and will have a very belated present of a computer program that we are still struggling to get ordered.
Anyway Helen party was good fun and we had the chance to see lots of family we haven’t seen for ages, in fact in the case of Lynn who is my nephew Paul’s partner I hadn’t met her before but I believe she’s a reader so Hi Lynn!
Here are a couple of pictures and you can see the rest if you are interested at my Flick account here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jill_bradley/
Phil and me

Me with my two sisters; Anne Kay and Jill from left to right
My sister Anne with birthday girl Helen
Thursday 31 July
We set out for Liverpool just after lunch and arrived in time to do a little shopping in the Everton shop before we went on to the splendid B&B we were staying at. For those of you who don’t know Phil is a devoted (fanatical) Everton fan; I sometimes joke that he only married my so that he would have somewhere to stay when he went to Liverpool for matches and we did come back early from our honeymoon so that we could go and watch them play in the Charity Shield at Wembley.
Wed 30 July
Visited another NT property; Penrhyn Castle, it’s a modern castle done in the gothic style and was absolutely fantastic. I was feeling better which helped but also the staff were helpful and pleasant which was a great relief after Tuesday. We had tea and cake in the cafĂ© and the Bara Brith they make locally was so good we bought a whole cake to take home with us.
Tues 29th July
Visited Plas Newydd which is National Trust, the visit may have been coloured by the fact I still wasn’t all that well and that had a fete on so were busier than usual but we were very under whelmed. I nearly had my stick/seat taken from me but the woman eventually said she could see I needed it; the house was unbearably hot and about halfway through one of the dragons they have guarding the rooms suddenly barked at me to move my (tiny) backpack/handbag to the front of my body. Nobody else had said anything and I was feeling quite unwell by this time but the way NT structure their buildings you have to follow their route and can’t cut the walking short;. As you might guess Phil barked right back at her but it made us feel very unwelcome .
Sun 27th to Monday 28th July
Didn’t do much as I was still feeling a bit rough from the chemo (this is quite normal), still it was great to see my sister who’s been ill herself and Phil was able to go off with a friend to do some urban exploring/photography.
Sat 26th July
First stop on our family holiday was my sister Anne who lives in Anglesey, we set off latish on the drive because I wasn’t too great in the morning and early afternoon but it shouldn’t have mattered because we had intended to stop off and break our journey halfway. That was the intention and we’d been fairly sensible and booked a motel room on the motorway; however once we arrived it seems that they had double booked and as we were late they had guests in all the rooms.
We tried a whole pile of other places but they we all full as there was some sore of motor racing event on over the weekend; eventually we realised that we were only a couple of hours from Anglesey so phoned Anne and begged a bed for the night. Finally we arrived at our destination just after 11pm shattered but grateful to be able to lay our weary heads down. Poor Phil was worse off than me cos I had slept in the car but he had to drive the whole way. In the end we did the journey in really good time and have learned the lesson that sometimes motorway motels double book on the assumption that some guests don’t turn up so if you are going to be arriving late phone up and check that they will hold the room for you!
Wed 23rd to Fri 25th July
Rested up an Wed and Thursday cos I felt pretty ill but that’s to be expected in the first few days after chemo. Friday I was just well enough to pop over to Dad to drop off the pussy cat as he had offered to cat-sit for us.
Tues 22nd July
Chemo day, all went well which was great cos it meant that I would be able to go and see my family in my good week.
Thurs 17th to Mon 21st July
Lazy day on Thursday but on Friday we had lunch with friends at a super place Sam knew, afterwards we visited a huge deli supermarket I think it’s near Marks Tey but would have to check the exact location. We bought some bits and pieces and intend to go there again cos it had some fantastic stuff.
Afterwards we were still in a shopping mood so motored on down to Lakeside, got a couple of things in Costco then on to our favorite bookshop (Borders at Lakeside). Here we got the most miserable news that the shop was closing in early AugustL, is was a mixed blessing though cos they had all books and CDs at half price we spent £100 pounds and it would have been more if I hadn’t got tried after an hour of so!
Saturday we finally gave in to temptation and in the afternoon went back to ransack the shelves we missed on Friday sending another £100 (Oops).
Had quiet days Sunday and Monday but did manage to get a couple of decent walks in.
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