Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Steroids can be good

Hi Everyone,

I've just has a burst of energy (probably a result of the steroids they gave me yesterday when I had chemo).

As a result I've finally got around to emailing all of the lovely people who sent good wishes. All the people that is who I have emails addresses for!

However there are a few I don't and you can't send a private reply to replies on this blog so I'd like to thank anyone who hasn't has a personal reply for your kind thoughts and wishes and for keeping my spirits up when I'm to down to be a good friend and reply. Esp CW who sends loads of positive stuff from Australia.

Hugs to you all
Jill (lucky to have a fab husband and lots of support from family and friends)

1 comment:

flexnib said...

Glad you're having an up day :)

Don't worry about writing at all, I send stuff because I am thinking of you, even if we have never met. I have a few friends and family affected by cancer and other illness and I know it is hard.

Best wishes from Perth!