My blogs are like London buses, none fore ages then several in a row (hopefully).
To get the health stuff out of the way; it's Wednesday and I had my chemo fine yesterday. On the day before that (Monday) we went to the hospital for the clinic and my bloods to be done. I did give a quick preview of the lastest scan results earlier but this time I got to see more details and also a comparison of the current scan of my liver compared to the one taken just before treatment started one year ago.
The results are officially counted as maintenance as there is no evidence of growth but they can't see any noticeable shrinking in the liver nodules; however we are heartened as they are very pleased with the results and 2 of the small nodules in my lungs have disappeared (Yey for the chemo!!!!)
Also it was great to see the shrinking over a year from big patches of black in my liver to these tiny little dots which you could hardly see.
Anyway Phil suggested that I tell you what the Tweets of the Day are; the tweets are imported once a day from an instant messaging utility called Twitter. This allows you to follow people and have followers who see all of your (140 character posts as you write them.
The confusion for you as blog readers may be that you occasionally see Tweets that are answering or directed to an individual on Twitter i.e. InfoBunny (She's a deliciously loony librarian who posts loads of stuff to Twitter). If you want to look at Twitter it's at
As you may have seen we went to the Bath area for a couple of days at the weekend and in Bath we saw the weirdest Christmas shop window display that I've ever seen so I thought I'd share it. I think it was some trendy clothes shop.

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