- 14:18 Woo Hoo! such a good day, Phil had interview printed in Independent and we paid off 50% of our mortgage (our original Endowment paid out) #
- 14:18 Jilll is still bouncing of the walls with excitement and general bouncyness #
- 14:22 Phil worked out the LRL for the article he's in It's tinyurl.com/6xjy5s I'm soooo excited today Bounce Bounce Bounce!!! #
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tweets for Today
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 12:32 Bit better today. Hopefully seeing the end of the worse of it. Looking forward to a day in Bath at the weekend. #
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 13:07 Feeling pretty grotty yesterday and today, sore throat and fluey, I'd think I did have flu but got similar symptoms last cycle so prob chemo #
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 14:33 Playing with my new iPhone, downloaded a couple of free games which are both pretty good. Friends coming down to visit today, brill fun. #
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 16:06 We just boughted new iPhones, also went to Oil and Vinegar and Wittards to stock up. Spent loads of money and had good time. #
Hi Everyone,
My blogs are like London buses, none fore ages then several in a row (hopefully).
To get the health stuff out of the way; it's Wednesday and I had my chemo fine yesterday. On the day before that (Monday) we went to the hospital for the clinic and my bloods to be done. I did give a quick preview of the lastest scan results earlier but this time I got to see more details and also a comparison of the current scan of my liver compared to the one taken just before treatment started one year ago.
The results are officially counted as maintenance as there is no evidence of growth but they can't see any noticeable shrinking in the liver nodules; however we are heartened as they are very pleased with the results and 2 of the small nodules in my lungs have disappeared (Yey for the chemo!!!!)
Also it was great to see the shrinking over a year from big patches of black in my liver to these tiny little dots which you could hardly see.
Anyway Phil suggested that I tell you what the Tweets of the Day are; the tweets are imported once a day from an instant messaging utility called Twitter. This allows you to follow people and have followers who see all of your (140 character posts as you write them.
The confusion for you as blog readers may be that you occasionally see Tweets that are answering or directed to an individual on Twitter i.e. InfoBunny (She's a deliciously loony librarian who posts loads of stuff to Twitter). If you want to look at Twitter it's at http://www.twitter.com
As you may have seen we went to the Bath area for a couple of days at the weekend and in Bath we saw the weirdest Christmas shop window display that I've ever seen so I thought I'd share it. I think it was some trendy clothes shop.

My blogs are like London buses, none fore ages then several in a row (hopefully).
To get the health stuff out of the way; it's Wednesday and I had my chemo fine yesterday. On the day before that (Monday) we went to the hospital for the clinic and my bloods to be done. I did give a quick preview of the lastest scan results earlier but this time I got to see more details and also a comparison of the current scan of my liver compared to the one taken just before treatment started one year ago.
The results are officially counted as maintenance as there is no evidence of growth but they can't see any noticeable shrinking in the liver nodules; however we are heartened as they are very pleased with the results and 2 of the small nodules in my lungs have disappeared (Yey for the chemo!!!!)
Also it was great to see the shrinking over a year from big patches of black in my liver to these tiny little dots which you could hardly see.
Anyway Phil suggested that I tell you what the Tweets of the Day are; the tweets are imported once a day from an instant messaging utility called Twitter. This allows you to follow people and have followers who see all of your (140 character posts as you write them.
The confusion for you as blog readers may be that you occasionally see Tweets that are answering or directed to an individual on Twitter i.e. InfoBunny (She's a deliciously loony librarian who posts loads of stuff to Twitter). If you want to look at Twitter it's at http://www.twitter.com
As you may have seen we went to the Bath area for a couple of days at the weekend and in Bath we saw the weirdest Christmas shop window display that I've ever seen so I thought I'd share it. I think it was some trendy clothes shop.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 10:15 Had a fab day yesterday, visited Glastonbury and Street then drove home. In the evening I made some Shawl Pins that I'll post pics of soon. #
- 10:17 Today we are off to the hosp to get official info on scan results and I'll have my bloods done. Then dinner with our friends Gaye & Paul. #
Hi Everyone,
I know it’s been ages since I’ve written a full post but hopefully the twitter daily tweets have been useful in keeping you up to date with my doings.
I thought I’d write a belated Birthday post with some pictures.
On Halloween which is my birthday (yes I AM a witch!) Phil and I had booked an evening at Igtham Mote, a delightful Manor house in Kent. They were holding a Ghosts and Gourmet evening which seemed an ideal way to spend the evening.
We went on a candle light tour of the house (they were pretend electric candles but it did mean that nobody accidentally set fire to the place). The house keeper showed us around and there were various apparitions along the way.
We then had dinner which was very good.
Here is a picture of us at the end of the evening (Phil was sober cos he was driving but I had mulled wine and then a glass or two of wine).

Also a picture of the lovely roses which my friends Mike and Shan sent me.

I had a second birthday treat a few days later when we had a family lunch at a very good local pub.
Here is another picture of Phil and I enjoying ourselves.
I know it’s been ages since I’ve written a full post but hopefully the twitter daily tweets have been useful in keeping you up to date with my doings.
I thought I’d write a belated Birthday post with some pictures.
On Halloween which is my birthday (yes I AM a witch!) Phil and I had booked an evening at Igtham Mote, a delightful Manor house in Kent. They were holding a Ghosts and Gourmet evening which seemed an ideal way to spend the evening.
We went on a candle light tour of the house (they were pretend electric candles but it did mean that nobody accidentally set fire to the place). The house keeper showed us around and there were various apparitions along the way.
We then had dinner which was very good.
Here is a picture of us at the end of the evening (Phil was sober cos he was driving but I had mulled wine and then a glass or two of wine).

Also a picture of the lovely roses which my friends Mike and Shan sent me.

I had a second birthday treat a few days later when we had a family lunch at a very good local pub.
Here is another picture of Phil and I enjoying ourselves.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 18:50 We've had a great day in Bath today. Started at the bookbarn, wandered around Bath then lunch at Sally Lunn's. #
- 18:52 After lunch we hit the shops, Lush and bookshops mostly. Now waiting for 7.30 and supper at the Walrus and the Carpenter. Blissfull!!! #
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 15:17 In a course listening to Phil teach people about twitter. #
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 15:32 We cracked and decided we couldn't wait til Mon so phoned hosp for scan results. Everything is stable with no growth! Woopee!!! #
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 18:36 At the hosp for scan today, won't get results for a week. Feeling quite good so far. #
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 22:38 Loads of cooking today, I made a huge pot of veg soup and a big tuna bake with our own home made tomato sauce. #
- 22:39 We had bought a whole tray full of tomatos (for £2) and the rest I baked in the oven to make more tomato sauce. #
- 19:49 Visited Dad, gave him 7 portions of home made soup, I had big bowl for lunch and 5 more portions in the freezer for myself, I make BIG soup! #
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 11:57 Slept in late, listening to Jake Thackray now. #
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 11:33 Not such a good night but bit better this morning. #
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 10:56 Hospital stuff all okay. Feeling okay today waiting for my OU test results not out yet though. Jill sulks! #
- 16:50 @infobunny thought that what I do best might be smacking across the back of the head. What do you think Infobunny? #
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 22:35 other lovely day, went out to lunch with Dad and Rick and Caroline. Caroline had bought me some lovely bath goodies for my birthday too. #
- 22:36 Just updated my ipod with birthday CDs for hospital tomorrow. #
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tweets for Today
- 10:12 Had a fantastic birthday yesterday. Went to Ightham Mote for the Ghosts and Gourmet evening, had a great time. #
- 10:13 We tried to twitter from there but no signal. Not quite gourmet but plenty of food and we both eat it all so pretty good for veggie food. #
- 10:17 Drank more in the last few days than a normal month. Glass of port Thurs, then 2 glasses mulled wine and a glass of red last night. #
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