We were BADDDDDDD today!!! We went out and bought a WII console and then spent ages trying out the boxing, golf etc. It’s fantastically fun and addictive and hopefully will give us some fun exercise when the weather is too bad for walks.
I’ll let you know how we get on with it as we have time to see if it’s something we really use.
Monday 16th June
Lovely day so we went to Wat Tyler park and wandered around for a couple of hours (with frequent rests I admit). Part of the reason for our wanderings was that we have friends coming down from Scotland in July and we’ve promised to show them the strange little wooden figures they have in Wat Tyler Park so we thought it might be a good idea to make sure we could find them again.
Last year when things were low my friend Gaynor bought me two rose trees one had just bloomed and the roses are beautiful; the rose is called ‘Simply the Best’. I took some pics and I’m going to try to load one so fingers crossed (Phil loaded the last couple for me but I want to try to do it for myself this time).
Sunday 15th June
We went to a county type fair at South Wield, there were craft tents as advertised but only very small ones and not much to see. We did walk around and look at the vintage cars and Phil has some brill photos of them that will end up on his Flickr account I’m sure.
Before we went out I bid on some fantastic looking hanks of designer yarn, they were very low starting price and I confidently expected to be outbid on most if not all but I thought “what the hell” and bid on 6 of them. Oops! I won all 6 auctions, luckily they were very reasonably priced, absolutely gorgeous and I’ll save on combined postage. All my family can expect scarves for Christmas this year.
Saturday 14th June
Obviously it’s really Father’s day on Sunday but Dad goes to his Day centre on Sundays so we went down to see him Saturday instead. Richie and Caroline were there too so it was a bit of a family occasion. We always get Dad cards but don’t usually bother with Fathers day presents (he’s hard enough to buy for at Christmas and birthdays) but this year I knitted him a scarf in the great chunky chenille that he’d admired when I showed him the jumper I made with it. (I discovered that chenille makes a lousy jumper cos it doesn’t have any stretch in the fibre but it does make a lovely warm scarf)
Friday 13th June
Weather looked threatening and the forecast was for rain so we decided to have a bit of a wander in Chelmsford instead of walking at the reservoir, of course as soon as we had gone far enough in the direction of Chelmsford to make it a pain to turn back the weather took a dramatic turn for the better and the sun came out!
Anyway we had a great time mooching around the shops and discovered a wonderful strawberry vinegar in the ‘Oil and Vinegar’ shop.
Thursday 12th June
Phil was out training so I ironed a couple of shirts for him so he wouldn’t have to do it when he got home. I was going to iron all the ones that were clean but then my tummy intervened so I only managed 3 shirts but at least that should see him through the next couple of weeks. When he got home we went out to the woods for a bit of an evening walk which was lovely, there is honeysuckle along the easy path and every so often you get this beautiful scent drifting down.
1 comment:
You NOT bad -- you getting exercise!
Loads hugs (gentle ones)
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