Wednesday 26th through Sunday 30th March
Wednesday we visited Dad and picked up the cat which he’d been looking after for us.
Thursday Phil was working so I lazed around; I did get around to booking my OU course for May so you will soon know more then you wanted about fossils!
Friday I went into the office to have lunch with Dave and Gulshan; Dave is my boss and he’s been fantastic throughout my illness (he was pretty good before I got ill too), Gulshan joined us a few months before I got ill and he’s been a complete star managing to get stuff done without me being able to pitch in.
In the afternoon I had a wander around and saw a few people the had a coffe and cake with my friend Su. I had a great time although I was pretty tired by the time I got home.
Saturday and Sunday we did a few household thing but mostly just rested because we are both still a bit knocked out by the Flu bug we had. Phil is still much worse than me but then he did have it very badly indeed.
I made one of my monster soups for freezing and we did buy a rotary deep fat fryer so that we can have proper chips, brill!!!.
We also managed to get a couple of walks in as the weather seems to be a bit better. Whats scary is that after only 4 weeks when we haven't been able to get out for walks we were both exhausted after a normal hours tramp at the reservoir ("I'm thinking it might still be the after effects of the flu bug" she said hopefully).
Eastercon – Friday 21st through Tuesday 25th March
Every year at eater the national Science Fiction Convention is held somewhere in the
This year it was held at a hotel near Heathrow which made it a very short trip for us (next year it will be at
Phil did several panels, I did a massage workshop and we did a talk on Urban Exploring together but apart from that we mostly slept; we went to bed early, slept late and then had naps. It was pretty much what we needed I think.
Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th March
Phil was working on the Wednesday so I did a little housework and started to get stuff together for packing as we are going to Eastercon over the Easter break (I’ll explain more about what Eastercon is in a later post).
Thursday we took the cat over to Dads, we were both still feeling pretty grotty but didn’t think we would be contagious any more (while we were at my sister’s house my niece Carole caught the bug from us – Oppps). In theory we were due at the com as we had booked Thursday night through Monday night but we stayed at home in bed instead. We did have the sense to get most of the packing done so that we could get off reasonably early on Friday.
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