It was heavy rain on most of the drive so we were 15 minutes late but it wasn’t a problem as they can’t do all the blood tests at the same time so in one way it’s quite convenient if some people arrive a little after
My white blood cells were a little low again and the diarrhoea is causing the doctor a little concern but as my results were so positive at the last scan we want to keep the impetus going. As I’m so young (comparatively) and so healthy with no sign of infection he decided to go ahead with treatment but with a slightly reduced dose as this may help to minimise the side effects while keeping up the pressure in reducing the tumours.
Everything went well, finished treatment at about 20 to 6 and the drive home was better so we were tired but okay.
Good day again. Saw a friend in the morning and did a bit of Reflexology practice (I do so miss the therapy and Reflexology is a good one to start with as it’s sitting down), I felt very energised and happy afterwards!
After lunch we went off to visit Dad but stopped off at Hockley woods for a walk on the way, we did 40 minutes again but it was hilly so a much stiffer workout than yesterday. At Dad’s I played cards with him while Phil got on with some work on his portable, I think her enjoyed it even if it was only for a couple of hours. Then Phil decided it was time for my nap (I was pretty tired by then) and we came home.
Slept badly but I usually do on the pre-chemo nights I think it’s the stress of wondering if it will happen, what the traffic will be like etc combined with the knowledge that we have to get up at 6am which is much earlier than normal.
Found out that our local vet isn’t open on Sundays but there is a backup vet with normal prices about 20 minutes away. Put Pushkin in the car and drove there, I was actually quite relieved when she cried the whole way as this is her usual behaviours so she’s not THAT ill. It did pall eventually and we were very frazzled by the time we got there. The vet confirmed our diagnosis of cystitis, gave her a painkiller shot and an antibiotic shot and some stuff for us to collect a urine sample and antibiotic tablets. Then we had the joy of a crying cat all the way home, good job we love her!
After collecting the ‘sample’ we went out and did a 40 minutes walk at the reservoir which is fairly flat, by then I was pretty much finished for the day and lazed about. We’d been hoping to visit Dad but had to put it off until Monday.
Feeling loads better, we went out to do a Costco shop and then had a book buying session at Waterstones and lunch there too. Was very good fun but about all I could manage so I pretty much flaked out for the rest of the day. Pushkin (sometimes know as Mrs Whiskers) our cat isn’t well and I spent lots of the day phoning around various vets to see if we needed to take her in as an emergency, the night time backup vet told this wasn’t needed and would cost £90 for visit plus any treatment so we are going to our own vet tomorrow morning.
At the moment Phil is reading me ‘The Phoenix and the Carpet’ it’s by
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