Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday 4th January 2008

Still coldish but feel much better today, we wrapped up well and went out for a walk in the local woods; did a couple of kilometres on the easy path and felt much better for getting out into the fresh air.

We’ve finished “Five Children and It” which was fantastic and Phil has just started reading me “The Children of Green Knowe”. This book is also very well written but has a completely different feel to it, very otherworldly and thoughtful and much slower in pace. The author treads a very fine line in that it could be a very scary ghost book but she manages to just avoid that so it is strange but not frightening.

I don’t know if it’s psychosomatic because they told me I had low white blood cell counts but I felt really unwell today. Very much like I am coming down with a cold; with a sore nose and throat and coughing. We decided that it was probably best if I didn’t go out to the shops as I’m so vulnerable to infection at the moment, so Phil went out and stocked up in case the bad weather they have predicted sets in.

I sat around and didn’t do much but feel sorry for myself, I’m inclined to beat myself up about that sort of thing but I expect it’s something that happens to us all at times, we also had some bad news that al very close friend of ours had just lost a close relative. We spoke to her but given my health today there wasn’t much we could do to help; actually there isn’t much anyone can do at a time like that except be there if the person wants to talk.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

1 comment:

Julie Mcmurray said...

it is lovely that Phil is reading “The Children of Green Knowe” to you. I never got round to reading that book myself. I have always wanted to read the Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde to Pat but never really got round to it. I wanted to read it to him on Christmas day.

here is a link to the story

it is sad but happy at the same time.

