Wednesday, April 29, 2009

  • 14:35 #cilip2 Phil Bradley says - Thanks to the CILIP Council and that they are critical. #
  • 14:36 #cilip2 PB says - remember the people who aren't here as their organizations don't allow access. #
  • 14:38 #cilip2 PB says - the tool is not important, it's about a state of mind. We can make mistakes and then move on. #
  • 14:41 #cilip2 PB says - content is less important than the conversation. We have to go where the conversations are. #
  • 14:44 #cilip2 PB says - I'm hoping CILIP will be a "good example" not a "horrible warning". CILIP should embrace change. #
  • 14:47 #cilip2 PB says - I want CILIP to be a support to the members in embracing new tools and promoting then with their organizations. #
  • 14:49 #cilip2 PB says - important to engage with members in a whole variety of ways. CILIP already using Blogs. #
  • 14:52 #cilip2 PB says - CILIP communities, why do you have to log in. Hard to use. #
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

  • 18:11 @twisteddragon yes got your direct message in email. You are getting the hang of it. Hugs Jill #
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Monday, April 27, 2009

  • 17:37 Scan results all okay. No change since last scan so all stable and can continue with current treatment. V good news! #
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Sunday, April 26, 2009

  • 11:35 We are making the most mega trifle today. looking forward to eating it already! #
  • 13:24 @vickya63 We just finished it and it does look lovely, Fruit and sponge in jelly with custard and cream, finished with crushed choc flakes. #
  • 16:37 The woods are full of bluebells. #
  • 17:05 Just about to break into the trifle. #
  • 17:14 @sammaddin we'll make you some when you're better. #
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Saturday, April 25, 2009

  • 10:45 Feeling better after a couple of bad days. Scan results late Monday so keeping my fingers crossed till then. #
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

  • 08:50 @JuliefaithRigby So sorry you haven't been well. We missed you at the Eastercon bit it went well for us apart from that. Hugs Jill #
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

  • 19:06 Home from hosp early today; set a new record for finishing time; 2.30 plus record for drive home so we got in at about 3.30pm. Result!!! #
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

  • 18:46 Everton won against Man U. Fantastic!!!! We are in the final. So happy!!! #
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

  • 09:34 Just finishing breakfast in a motel. Thank goodness we have a signal here; I thought Phil was near the edge. #
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Friday, April 10, 2009

  • 15:53 At the con, sitting in the bar chilling at the moment. Phil's pictures hung and he's doing talk tonight too. #
  • 18:42 @sammaddin You are rude girl. I like that in a person! Hugs Jill #
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

  • 09:53 Off to have my hair washed and blow dryed. An indulgence but I can't shower until I've been disconnected from the chemo pump later today. #
  • 09:54 Then the distict nurse will come to flush and disconnect me and then... we are off in the car to Bradford for the SF con. Hurray!!! #
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

  • 17:12 Couldn't get a signal at the hospital but everything okay and we are home now. #
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Monday, April 6, 2009

Hanningfield nature reserve

We went for a walk the other day; it was beautiful so I couldn't resist taking this picture,

Friday, April 3, 2009

  • 00:49 @vickya63 I remember Pycho Cat very well and fondly (he never ever attacked me, everyone else including Phil but not ME) #
  • 00:51 @cclibrarian Beautiful pattern you are making there, I'm sort of envious but I'll finish my socks before I start another pattern. #
  • 10:41 Just gonna knit a bit of sock before friend arrives. I'm not getting obssesive honest. Just slow knitter. #
  • 15:45 Phil showing somebody Twitter. I'm knitting. Not an addict - honest. #
  • 17:31 I have a sock. Now I just have to see if I can repeat it to have a pair (or I could just cut off one foot?). #
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

  • 15:50 Visiting friend with new kittens. They are sooooooooooo cute. I wants one. #
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

  • 12:05 Yesterday I had my hair done and then went to my knitting class, My first sock is growing will post a pic shortly. #
  • 13:17 Picture of sock under construction. #
  • 15:59 Out for walk, now sitting and watching a goose. #
  • 17:40 Local nature reserve, beautiful place for a walk. #
  • 17:42 @sammaddin keeping my fingers crossed. Also bags I get to play with them. #
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